Case Study
Color of Change
Championing Racial Justice with Color Of Change

About the client
Color Of Change (COC) is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization, driven by millions of members nationwide.
Our Work
Raben has supported COC’s government affairs efforts since 2019, first focused on COC’s advocacy on tech policy and now encompassing all of its core issues - tech, justice, economic justice and voting rights and democracy.
A critical component of Raben’s support of COC includes the strategy, project management, and launch of its Black Tech Agenda, which sets a vision for tech policy with racial justice principles. Raben provided the government affairs expertise needed to develop a policy agenda and accompanying scorecard that is unique to COC’s brand, voice, and mission. Following the launch of the Agenda, Raben strategically connects and builds relationships between senior leaders at COC and the highest levels of the federal government in order to advance tech policy reforms.