Case Study
The Family and Allies of Emmett Till
Honoring Emmett Till's Legacy

About the client
Family and Allies of Emmett Till entrusted Raben with preserving and promoting the significance of Emmett and Mamie Till-Mobley's legacy.
Our Work
Raben's support extended across numerous projects, including curating an Emmett Till children's exhibit with The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, historical preservation, and shaping key narratives around these initiatives.
Collaborating with the Emmett Till Interpretive Center in Mississippi, Raben focused on fundraising, communications, and strategy. The goal was to secure the designation of a non-contiguous national park, preserving the courthouse of the trial, the site by the river where Emmett's body was taken, and significant locations pivotal to this tragic yet paradigmatic murder that fueled the civil rights movement.
Partnership with the Till Institute in Chicago centered on preserving Mrs. Till's work, specifically restoring and conserving Robert’s Church of God in Christ. This church held Emmett's funeral, which Mrs. Till wanted to show the world so more could understand the tragedy that befell her child.
Raben played a pivotal role in securing a Congressional Gold Medal in honor of Emmett and Mrs. Mobley. Advocacy efforts also included working on the Emmett Till Antilynching bill, with Raben contributing to the planning of a signing ceremony at the White House.