Case Study
Power 4 Puerto Rico
Legislative and communications advocacy with Power 4 Puerto Rico — amplifying voices for change.

About the client
Power 4 Puerto Rico is a coalition advocating for the island and Hurricane Maria-displaced families.
Our Work
Raben managed legislative and communications efforts, formulating strategies to empower Puerto Ricans and amplify their voices in Washington. Our role extended to conceptualizing, managing, and promoting the award-winning #BoricuasRemember campaign.
The campaign, initiated on Hurricane Maria's one-year anniversary, included mass vigils nationwide and a sustained effort to increase voter turnout, emphasizing the untapped power of the Puerto Rican vote in midterm elections.
The Outcome
Our strategic planning included organizing national rallies, which attracted hundreds and made headlines in multiple news outlets. Op-eds were placed in top-tier publications, shaping a narrative that raised public awareness of Puerto Rico's conditions and the federal government's mismanagement following this devastating hurricane.
The mobilizations and messaging efforts successfully spotlighted the island's challenges, contributing to a broader understanding of the need for change. Through these campaigns, Raben played a key role in advocating for Puerto Rico and generating support for its residents.