Case Study
Google's regional hub in Washington DC plays a pivotal role in diverse projects influencing the federal government.

About the client
Google is the American Internet multinational that runs the eponymous search engine, as well as providing advertising and cloud computing services, software, and hardware. is one of the most visited websites in the world, and Google, Inc. is valued around $133 billion.
The Raben Group not only brings creativity and sharp, strategic thinking, but they’re also like a member of the team, always responsive and ready to pitch in on a moment’s notice.
Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of International Relations, Google
Our Work
Raben works closely with Google senior executives and the International Relations team as the primary communications strategists for their Washington DC location, helping team members effectively convey their message — whether it's delivered to a think tank, a foreign embassy, or in a one-on-one meeting.
Our communications efforts have consisted of everything from media relations and drafting remarks for keynote speeches to developing talking points for panels. As an extension of our one-on-one preparation work, we’ve also conducted extensive messaging and presentation training, walking team members through the importance of effective messaging.
The Outcome
Following our initial engagement with Google's senior team, our impact was so profound that they entrusted us with training their entire staff. Our efforts since have equipped Google's team members with the strategic vision and tools to deliver creative and memorable remarks, create compelling visual presentations, and engage audiences globally. This engagement has resulted in authentic communications aligned with Google's distinct brand.